Proposal 1 - Escape Room, London Bridge

Clear signs that Katie was preparing for my proposal, but I was oblivious to it all:

  1. My parents all of a sudden had a free weekend in November and wanted to come and see us in London… this was extremely sus behaviour and I was still none the wiser

  2. My younger sister eagerly volunteered to organise where we go for dinner… warning bells should have sounded

  3. Katie was sending her mum some cute new tops… just because?

The cherry on top was that I made it so easy for her to pull off! I just walked right into that witches house made of sweets, candy was taken from Baby 😅

My family all know I'm a sucker for an escape room and any chance of us being together.. I'm always eager to organise one! I provided escape room options for the fam to choose from, I suggested that Katie's family also join us (we had her sister living with us at the time) and little did I know that I cluelessly ‘organised’ my own Proposal… that Katie had actually prepared earlier 😱

Here’s a list of my favourite escape rooms we’ve done so far:

  • Pier Pressure, Brighton UK - All rooms but my favourite has been Loot The Lanes

  • clueQuest, London UK - Really enjoyed Plan52 and all rooms have a similar theme!

  • Mission Breakout, London UK - Their escape rooms are in an old abandoned tube station…

  • AIM, London UK - We really enjoyed their room, Spy Heroes!

  • Hell in a Cell, Bristol UK - A horror escape room, not for the feint hearted


  • Escape Rooms, London Bridge UK - Pharaohs Chamber where I was proposed to!

I was so unaware that, on the actual day, Katie asked me if I wanted to change into something a little nicer, as her family had dressed up for the day… the audacity! Unfortunately for her I didn't take the comment on the chin, inadvertently adding to the stress I had no idea she was under.

We went for a family dinner at Flat Iron, which is easily always a family pleaser for us and I would absolutely recommend it for those that enjoy a good steak and a complimentary ice cream to finish (more specifically the Covent Garden branch being the best).  

We seamlessly transitioned into the escape room and proceeded to try and get out of the Pharaohs Tomb… the stakes were high as I was yet to lose an escape room and I can be a tad competitive when it comes to games.  Towards the end Katie ripped a clue off the bottom of a chest, which was questionable to me as it didn't seem like we should 😮 we had to unlock a box we found, with a four digit code to be deciphered from the clue… I was getting nowhere, the crowd grew impatient and I hadn't even noticed our family members congregating in a semi-circle away from us! I REQUESTED A HINT and the staff said that I already knew the answer, my Dad piped up with incorrect numbers which threw me off the scent… Needless to say myself, combined with my dad chiming in, are a hopeless pair! I could sense Katie's eyes rolling as she unlocked the box and presented it to me and I was so impressed with her logic that I still failed to notice what was inside the box… my ring! Katie got down on one knee for good measure and it finally clicked, this was my proposal story and she did a bloody good job of it!

You'd think this was the end of it, she nailed the proposal, she got me good, but no.. she just had to go all out.  My beautifully introverted girlfriend (at the time) managed to organise a surprise engagement party, just overlooking Tower Bridge, with friends that had ventured as far as Sunderland and Leeds just to celebrate with us.  It was one of the most special moments of my life to see all of our friends and family in one place, so much so, it sent our wedding thoughts and plans of an elopement out of the window…


Thank you to everyone that made that day so special for me, especially my Bride to Be for always putting yourself out there for me 💜


Proposal 2 - Central Park, NYC


Engagement Ring Style Considerations